February 28, 2019

What is roasting airflow & how can you control it?

Coffee roasting: it all comes down to heat. But did you know that the majority of the heat transferred during roasting is due to airflow?...

February 22, 2019

How to Improve Quality When Processing Washed Coffees

Wet/washed processed coffees are loved by many specialty coffee consumers, roasters, and buyers, thanks to their reputation for consistency and illuminated acidity. But in the...

January 14, 2019

A Guide to Common Coffee Pests & Diseases

Pests and diseases can ruin your coffee crop. An infestation or outbreak that is badly handled can mean financial hardship or even devastation. But do...

January 2, 2019

Coffee Degassing; What Does It Mean For Brewers & Roasters?

The fresher a coffee is, the better – right? Well, yes… but also no. Even though nobody wants to drink stale coffee, brewing a coffee...

December 18, 2018

Processing 101: What Is Washed Coffee & Why Is It So Popular?

You stand in the coffee shop, looking at a bag of coffee beans: “Light-medium roast, washed, Colombian Nariño,” says the package. But if “Colombian Nariño” is...

November 29, 2018

How Cafés Can Increase Sales & Attract Customers This Christmas

The December holidays are just around the corner. With Christmas, Hanukkah, and other celebrations, this is a busy shopping period and time to exchange gifts....

November 14, 2018

Kenya AA, Colombia Supremo: Understanding Coffee Grading

It’s not unusual to see “Supremo” or “AA” on a bag of coffee. But what are these labels actually evaluating? And would you ever consider...

October 25, 2018

Understanding Single Origin, Single Farm & Micro/Nano Lot Coffee

Quality, traceability, direct trade, fairer prices, exotic profiles, experimental processing: these are just a few of the positive things associated with single origin and micro...

October 22, 2018

Post-Harvesting Myths That It’s Time We Stop Believing

Few stages of coffee production are as exciting, or as tricky, as post-harvesting. The choice of processing method, the way the cherries are picked, the...

October 11, 2018

How Does Elevation Affect Your Ideal Coffee Brew Temperature?

There’s so much to consider when brewing exceptional coffee: grind size, brew time, pulsing and water dispersal, brew temperature… and elevation? Yes, elevation. While some...

October 4, 2018

Origin Spotlight: Exploring Ecuador’s Specialty Coffee

Welcome to Ecuador. This small country may not make the list of the world’s most-famous coffee-producing countries, yet head out of the cities to the...

October 2, 2018

Can We Improve Efficiency & Quality in Coffee Picking?

Do you want to produce high-quality coffee that should result in higher prices? Or do you want to efficiently produce coffee, reducing investment and so...

September 17, 2018

5 Barista Champions on How They Chose Their Competition Coffee

If you were to compete in the World Barista Championship, which coffee would you use? This is one of the hardest and most important choices...

September 11, 2018

Combating Leaf Rust With Phone Apps in Guatemala

Leaf rust has affected the majority of coffee-producing countries around the world, causing large losses and leaving farmers in, at times, precarious financial situations. There...

August 6, 2018

Café Owners, How to Diversify Your Offerings & Increase Profits

How many coffee shops can sell just coffee and remain profitable? Not many. For most café owners, diversifying your menu is the key to increased...

July 11, 2018

How Can Producers Transition From Commodity to Specialty Coffee?

Today, Miguel Moreno and his family trust that coffee will pay their bills for the year to come, put food on their table, and enable...