August 3, 2022

Why is staff turnover an issue for coffee shops?

For some years now, high rates of staff turnover have been an issue in the hospitality sector, including coffee shops. For instance, according to research...

May 19, 2022

Are coffee & sports partnerships becoming more popular?

The benefits of drinking coffee before exercise have been well-documented over the years by many healthcare professionals. But what about the wider relationship between sports...

May 18, 2022

How has technology changed in the coffee industry over the last few years?

The third wave of coffee is synonymous with a focus on the craft of producing, roasting, and brewing great coffee. Generally speaking, third wave coffee...

February 24, 2022

How do you choose food & snacks for your coffee shop?

Around the world, coffee shops are increasingly selling a greater variety of products. This trend has been a long time in the making, and it...

January 18, 2022

Why have plant-based RTD coffee drinks become so popular?

These days, there are so many different ways to make coffee, and many more places where we can have it made for us. Whether it’s...

December 22, 2021

The evolution of convenience store coffee

During the Covid-19 pandemic, research indicates that after fuel, gas station customers have bought more food and beverages than anything else. These products are understandably...

November 30, 2021

Why are themed coffees becoming popular?

As individuals, we all have different interests and hobbies: things we enjoy and spend our free time learning about or doing. And with the rise...

November 15, 2021

How much caffeine is in cold brew coffee?

Coffee is an essential pick-me-up for millions of people around the world. As we know, its high caffeine content is a key part of why...

October 28, 2021

Sweeteners: How do they affect the flavour of your coffee?

While many of us enjoy drinking our coffee with no milk or sugar, there are plenty of people out there who add something to sweeten...

August 26, 2021

How can coffee roasters diversify their income?

Most business owners know about the importance of diversifying revenue streams. Recent economic events – including the Covid-19 pandemic – have shown us just how...

May 31, 2021

What is RTD hard coffee?

For a few years now, ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee has been one of the fastest-growing market segments in the coffee sector.  Its growth has been fuelled...