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April 4, 2023

How can baristas foam milk for specialty coffee without using steam?

February 28, 2023

What's it like to be a specialty coffee barista in the Middle East?

November 23, 2022

Is there space for new coffee competitions?

August 10, 2022

How can competitors source coffee for the World Barista Championships?

July 14, 2022

How will sponsor changes affect future World Barista Championships?

May 9, 2023

How to find sustainable specialty coffee shops and roasters

Sustainability continues to be a pressing issue in the specialty coffee sector – and for good reason. With demand for more sustainable coffee continuing to grow, it’s essential that industry professionals and stakeholders limit their environmental impact as much as possible. This includes coffee shops and roasters. In recent years, we have certainly seen an uptick in the number of cafés and roasters implementing more socially and environmentally responsible business… read more

Sustainability continues to be a pressing issue in the specialty coffee sector – and for good reason. With demand for more sustainable coffee continuing to grow, it’s essential that industry professionals and stakeholders limit their environmental impact as much as… read more

June 15, 2018

How Grind Size Can Help You Brew Better-Tasting Coffee

So, you want your coffee to taste even more delicious, sweet, and balanced. You want that incredible aroma and lingering aftertaste. And you want this...

April 30, 2018

How to Increase or Reduce Coffee Acidity During Brewing

Coffee acidity is a divisive term in coffee brewing. For some, it signals sharp, sour flavours. For others, it’s a revered attribute of a high-quality...

April 12, 2018

How to Limit Water Temperature Variation for Better Coffee

Water: it makes up 94–98% of your cup of coffee. But it’s not just the biggest ingredient in your beverage. Water temperature (along with its...

March 27, 2018

Basket Shapes & Water Quality: Filter Coffee in The Science Lab

What do you need to do to brew better filter coffee? That’s one of the many questions UC Davis Coffee Center is setting out to...

March 20, 2018

How to Improve Your Batch Brew Coffee

Batch brewers make brewing specialty coffee easy, consistent, and efficient. But just like manual brewing, a little effort can go a long way to getting...

March 12, 2018

5 Lessons I Learned From 4 AeroPress Champions (& Their Recipes)

The AeroPress is one of the best introductions into the world of specialty coffee. It’s affordable, fast, compact, and versatile. While it comes with a...

March 2, 2018

Coffee Brew Ratios: What You Need to Know

Coffee, in its simplest form, is ground beans and water. What determines whether we get a complex, balanced and aromatic coffee or a sour or...

February 12, 2018

How to brew better coffee at home

So, you want to make better, more delicious, and more aromatic coffee? You’re in the right place. Learning how to brew better coffee doesn’t need...

February 9, 2018

What Is Coffee? The 5 Faces of Our Favourite Drink

Coffee: it’s an intrinsic part of our world. For many people, it starts their day. It appears at business meetings and lunch breaks, first dates...

December 15, 2017

A Brewer’s Guide to Choosing a (Good) Coffee Grinder

Are you looking for an even better-tasting cup of coffee? Then maybe it’s time to invest in a new coffee grinder. But with all the...

December 1, 2017

Coffee Grind Size & How It Affects Consistency & Flavor

Coffee grind size is no small matter. Controlling this variable allows you to improve the taste of your coffee, ensure repeatability, experiment with recipes, and...

November 22, 2017

Making Coffee at Home: What’s The Best Beginner Brewing Method?

There’s no better feeling than sipping on an amazing specialty coffee in your favorite café – but what if you could enjoy that same cup...

November 17, 2017

Brew Guide: How Does Pulse Pouring Affect Extraction?

If you want the best possible coffee, you can’t overlook the importance of your drink’s biggest ingredient: water. Temperature, quality, chemical composition, distribution method… it...

November 2, 2017

A World AeroPress Champion’s Guide to Winning The Championship

My name’s Filip Kucharczyk and I’m soon to become the previous World Aeropress Champion. And as I give up my place as the reigning Champ,...

October 10, 2017

Third Wave Water Hooks US $100,000 Deal on Shark Tank

Third Wave Water has already made a splash in the specialty coffee industry, and now it’s set to go mainstream with a US $100,000 investment...

September 25, 2017

Coffee guide: what is body & how do I brew & roast for it?

Body: what actually is it? Coffee-lovers like to talk about it and we include it on cupping forms. But do we know what body really...